An unexpected blog post...
A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away a young woman decided that she was going to start blogging. Her first attempt through "Off the Mapp" was thwarted after four blog posts. Her second attempt - "Bibliophile Challenge" - was slightly more successful, but she still failed to post consistently. She later abandoned that blog as well.
Yes, the anecdote that you just read was the story of my life. Plagued with stress, procrastination, a lack of motivation and disabling cases of writer's block, my blogging "career" leaves very little to be desired.
It has been a long time since I have posted to this barren blog.
With it being a new year, it seems as fine a time as any to start recommitting myself to my writing. So with that, I look forward to writing more in this year to come, especially since I am about to embark on an amazing and somewhat unexpected journey to South America!
Yes, that's right, I am leaving for South America in 11 days. Along with my mother Lorraine and my two youngest siblings (Lavina and Mitchell), I am preparing for a 3 week trip through Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. I look forward to the trip, spending time with my family, and above all else, I look forward to all the yummy treats that will glide over my tastebuds (this is a food blog, after all).
While on my trip, I will update as often as I can based on access to the Internet. So follow me as I eat my way through the Southern Hemisphere!